Infinity Lawn & Garden
Flowers & Plants Resource Center
Repotting 101

Repotting plants is inevitable. Eventually your healthy plant will outgrow its container. In order to be successful at repotting, you must recreate the same growing environment and climate for your plant. Here are a few tips and guidelines for effective repotting. 

  1. A day prior to repotting, give your plant(s) one last thorough watering. 
  2. Have a potting mixplant food, water, and a larger container ready before repotting. 
  3. Be very gentle when removing your plant. Place your hand over the top of the plant. Make sure you are holding it tenderly between your fingers. Turn the pot upside-down and carefully tap the rim of the pot against a table. If your plant is fragile, it may be best to dig up the plant with your hands. Just be sure not to damage the roots. 
  4. Check the roots of the plant. You want to make sure the larger roots are growing vertical. Fix the tangled or twisted roots without damaging the smaller roots or breaking up the rootball. Once finished, set the plant aside. 
  5. Pour the soil from your old container into your new container about ¼ of the way up. 
  6. Set your plant gently into the soil and add the new potting mix around the root ball.
  7. Firm the soil and be sure your plant is standing vertical and centered. 
  8. Water thoroughly after repotting. 
  9. Place the plant in its original location. Some plants do not adapt easily to new locations and may experience shock.
  10. Enjoy! Your plant is now happy; you should be too!