Infinity Lawn & Garden
Flowers & Plants Resource Center

                               Vegetable Planting Planning

Scientific Name: Rosa rubiginosa

Order: Rosales

Family: Rosaceae

Genus: Rosa

Plant Type: Perennial

USDA Hardiness Zones: Varies

Soil pH Level: 5.5 - 7.0

Soil Texture: Loamy

Sun Exposure: Full

Bloom Time: Spring, Summer & Fall

Appearance Description: Roses are considered a woody-stemmed plant. They have glossy green leaves, large layered blossoms, and thorns. Flower colors can be red, pink, almost black, yellow, and white.

How to Plant:

1. Soak the root for a few hours before planting.

2. Dig a large hole at least 18-inches deep and 18-inches wide.

3. Amend compost into your native soil.

4. While wearing gloves, set the plant 3-inches below the soil line and fill the remaining space with soil.

5. Water generously after planting.

How to Maintain:

1. Deeply soak the root zone directly into the soil 2 times.

2. Apply a specially formulated fertilizer between the months of April and July.

3. Prune roses every spring to dispose of diseased areas.

4. Stop deadheading 3-4 weeks before the first frost to discourage growth.

5. Apply a layer of mulch for winter months.

Top Varieties:

1. Rugosas

2. Jens Munk

3. Carefree Wonder

4. Harrison's Yellow

5. Pioneer Rose

Fun Facts:

1. Rose petals are often used in teas.

2. Rose petals can also be used to treat congestion, sore throats, and stomach disorders.

3. Rose water can be a refreshing and healthy facial cleanse.

4. A new rose has recently been produced, which is deep blue in color.

Related Soil:

Schultz Garden Soil

Schultz Compost & Manure

Schultz Potting Soil Plus

Schultz Moisture Plus Potting Mix

Garden Safe Garden Soil

Garden Safe Potting Mix

Country Soil Potting Soil

Country Soil Compost & Manure

Country Soil Peat Humus

Related Plant Food:

Schultz Boost Pacs

Schultz All Purpose Water Soluble

Schultz Bloom Plus Water Soluble

Schultz Flower & Vegetable Extended Feed

Schultz All Purpose Extended Feed

Schultz Granular Rose & Flower Plant Food

Schultz Granular Bloom Food

Schultz Granular All Purpose Plant Food

Schultz Liquid All Purpose

Garden Safe All Purpose Plant Food

Garden Safe Rose & Flower Plant Food