Infinity Lawn & Garden
Lawn Resource Center
Prepare Your Lawn for Memorial Day

Apply Weed & Feed to Lawn—Kills the toughest weeds that can overtake your lawn. Provides lawn with consistent, extended feeding with no burn. Try Schultz Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer. 

Apply Spring Lawn Fertilizer to Lawn—Maintains a healthy, strong lawn to help fight off summer’s stress. Try Schultz Lawn Fertilizer.

Seed Any Thin/Bare Patches on Lawn—Find areas where grass is thin or dead. Rake the area 1 to 2 inches to expose the soil. Then mix in a grass seed starting soil to enhance the native soil by adding nutrients for the newly planted seeds. Be sure to use a grass seed that matches your existing lawn and follow the packaging instructions carefully. For tips on improving spring lawns, check out this article: Spring Lawn Preparation.

Evaluate & Improve Soil—To strengthen your plants for the harsh summer weather, make sure to feed and nourish the soil with plant food so they not only survive but thrive. Learn how to classify the type of soil in your yard, what amendments to use, and maintenance tips, check out our info-graphic: Evaluate & Improve Your Soil.

Mulch Around Any Flower Beds, Trees, and Shrubs— May is for Mulching, which means now is the time to do so! Learn how to mulch properly here.

Water, Water, Water—Make sure to water deeply enough to reach the roots. One inch of water per week is an ideal amount, but it is important you don’t soak your lawn. 

Overall Lawn Improvement—Small improvements can go a long way! Learn quick maintenance tips to improve your overall lawn by reading our article: Lawn Improvement.

Give Your Patio a Facelift—Get your patio ready for summer entertainment by cleaning and replacing any broken or damaged pavers. Learn 5 quick maintenance tips to improve the look of your patio this summer by clicking here.