Infinity Lawn & Garden
Organic Gardening Resource Center
Top 5 Reasons to Garden Organically

Organic food is healthier than processed foods, both physically and emotionally. Using all natural, OMRI listed products allows you to achieve healthy, vitamin-rich food. By participating in organic growing, you can experience the satisfaction of being apart of a larger movement toward healthier, all-natural growing practices. The good you do in your garden has a direct affect on the good you do for yourself and the environment.

Processed and chemically treated foods are not only bad for you, but don’t taste natural. Organically grown food supplies on the other hand, provide delicious fruits and veggies for any home cooked meal. Don’t miss out on the amazing, natural tastes that only healthy foods can bring.

Instead of treating their plants and soil with harsh chemicals, organic gardeners do it naturally with OMRI listed products. The organic gardening mission is to find new and responsible ways to garden by using safe and effective products. In choosing to participate in organic gardening, you too can help contribute to the organic gardening mission. Together, let’s make a better planet for ourselves and future generations.

Organic gardening is a budget-friendly growing method. In order to get the best out of your garden, make sure you are using nourished soil. Nourished soil is slightly more expensive than basic potting soil, but the increased production created by nourished soil will more than offset the increased price. If you feed your soil, your soil will feed you. Additionally, an increase in production allows you to harvest excess crops, which can be stored or canned for future consumption. Finally, seeds from your previously grown plants can be saved and reused the following growing season, eliminating the cost of buying new seeds every year.

Organic gardening is safe for you and your loved ones. By growing organically you not only gain the knowledge of what you and your family are eating, but you also gain the confidence that it is safe. You want the best for your loved ones and organic gardening is a good way to show that.