Infinity Lawn & Garden
Trees & Shrubs Resource Center
Shrub Propagation

Most shrubs can be grown from stem cuttings taken from the parent plant. The timing and type of cuttings varies widely, though. For best chances of success, consult a nursery professional for the right time and best method for removing cuttings from your favorite shrubs. 

One of the easiest ways to grow a new plant from the parent shrub is to leave the stem attached to the plant. 

1. Choose a low-hanging stem and make a shallow wound 6-12” from the stem tip. 

2. Apply a rooting hormone to the wound, and then pull the stem down so it is in contact with the soil. 

3. Mound a little soil over the wounded area and secure with a brick or wire hook so it remains intact. 

Roots will grow from the wounded area in a few weeks to months. After they develop simply cut the stem at a point between the new roots and the parent plant, and replant your new shrub!