Infinity Lawn & Garden
Vegetables, Fruits, & Herbs Resource Center

                               Vegetable Planting Planning

Scientific Name: Pisum sativum

Order: Fabales

Family: Fabaceae

Genus: Pisum

Plant Type: Vegetable

USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-10

Soil pH Level: 5.8-7.0

Soil Texture: Loamy

Sun Exposure: Full or Partial

Appearance Description: Pea plants are actually spherical. The peas are located within a pod. Each pod contains several peas. Peas are green when immature and yellow when mature.

How to Plant:

1. Work the soil until it has a smooth and broken up consistency.

2. Amend native soil with compost, manure, or any other material.

3. Provide a support such as a cage or trellis.

4. Loosen up the soil about 10-inches deep.

5. Plant peas in double rows with one on each side of the trellis.

6. Poke seeds into soil and place them 2-inches apart and 1-inch deep.

7. Water generously after planting.

How to Maintain:

1. Pea seeds have a tendency to get washed out. If this occurs, poke them back into the soil or pick them up.

2. Too much nitrogen is harmful to peas so do not over fertilize.

3. Water sparingly unless the plants are wilting.

4. Avoid digging around pea plants; they have fragile roots.

5. Rotate pea crops every year.

How to Harvest:

1. Keep peas picked to encourage more pods to grow.

2. Pick peas in the morning after dew has dried.

3. To remove, always use two hands; keep in mind, peas are fragile.

4. Peas can be harvested during the early winter season as well.

Storage Tips:

Peas can be kept in a refrigerator for 5 days before preserving.

Top Varieties:

1. Snowbird

2. Sugar Ann

3. Green Arrow

Fun Facts:

1. There was an old tale saying if a girl found 9 peas in a pod, the next single man she met would become her husband.

2. Peas are only green because they are picked immaturely.

3. In China, pea leaves are considered a delicacy.

Related Soil:

Schultz Garden Soil

Schultz Compost & Manure

Schultz Potting Soil Plus

Schultz Moisture Plus Potting Mix

Garden Safe Garden Soil

Garden Safe Potting Mix

Country Soil Potting Soil

Country Soil Compost & Manure

Country Soil Peat Humus

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