Scientific Name: Tulipa
Order: Liliales
Family: LIliaceae
Genus: Tulipa
Plant Type: Perennial
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-8
Soil pH Level: 6.0 - 7.5
Soil Texture: Sandy
Sun Exposure: Full & Partial
Bloom Time: Spring
Appearance Description: Tulips come in a wide variety of colors including red, pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, white, and multicolor. Tulips are bulbous plants with large flowers and around 6 petals each.
How to Plant:
1. Loosen soil about 1-foot deep.
2. Amend a compost or manure with your native soil.
3. Add a granular fertilizer and mix until it is a good consistency.
4. Dig a hole 3x rootball width and 8-inches deep.
5. Set in a bulb facing upward.
6. Fill in the remaining soil gap.
7. Water generously after planting.
How to Maintain:
1. Water only during dry spells in the fall.
2. Re-amend soil with compost annually.
3. Deadhead tulips after flowering.
4. Do not remove foliage until it has been yellow for 6 weeks.
5. Feed regularly during the growing season.
Top Varieties:
1. Lilac Wonder
2. Cracker Tulip
3. Ile de France
4. Calgary
Fun Facts:
1. Tulip bulbs produce daughter cells every fall.
2. Cut tulips have the longest vase life. Cut diagonally and wrap the upper 2/3 with newspaper for best results.
3. In 17th Century Holland, a handful of tulip bulbs were worth $44,000.
4. Tulips are a part of the lily family.
5. There are over 3,000 varieties of tulips.
Related Soil:
Schultz Moisture Plus Potting Mix
Related Plant Food:
Schultz All Purpose Water Soluble
Schultz Bloom Plus Water Soluble
Schultz Flower & Vegetable Extended Feed
Schultz All Purpose Extended Feed
Schultz Granular Rose & Flower Plant Food
Schultz Granular All Purpose Plant Food