Infinity Lawn & Garden
Lawn Resource Center
Pink Snow Mold

Pink Snow Mold is a fungal disease that appears in early spring as the snow melts and may continue during wet weather in the fall and spring, as long as the temperature is between 32° F and 60° F. 


Symptoms first appear in the lawn as circular, pinkish or red-brown color patches. The center of the patches may be a bright white. This occurs as snow melts, but it can also occur during cool periods that have a large amount of moisture. Turfgrasses are hosts, but they are not usually killed from the disease.

Cultural Control

Continue mowing in the fall until the grass stops growing and be sure to rake up leaves . Reduce traffic patterns and dethatch to increase airflow.


If severe enough, a fungicide treatment is recommended. Ask your local lawn and garden retailer for assistance.