1. Choose a Suitable Location: Find an area that is protected from wind and harsh weather. Also, be sure the location recieves full sunlight and that has good soil drainage qualities.
2. Enhance the Native Soil: For in-ground gardens, till 6-8 inches of the native soil and mix in a natural garden soil made up of premium organic ingredients. Garden Safe Garden Soil is a good organic choice. For raised-bed gardens, mix 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 compost, and 1/3 vermiculite. Fill your raised bed garden just beneath the height of the wall.
3. Select Plants: Be sure the plants you choose are of good quality. Use previously saved seeds from organically grown plants or visit your local farmers market for best results.
4. Design a Garden Layout: Vegetables grow optimally when sowed next to specific plants. For raised bed garden layouts, check out our microsite: All About Raised Bed Gardens. Remember, vegetable placement is very important!
5. Feed Plants: Apply an organic plant food at the time of planting. To do so, work into the top 1-3 inches of soil surrounding the plants. Check out Garden Safe Organic Plant Food.
6. Apply a Layer of Mulch: Spread a 2-4 inch layer of mulch in order to discourage weed growth and to aid in the moderation of soil temperature. If weeds or pests emerge, always treat naturally. For high quality and very long lasting mulch products, check out Country Mulch.
7. Water Plants: Water your garden immediately after planting. Always be sure to water your plants in the morning directly to the roots. Consider catching your own rain water to save resources!