Infinity Lawn & Garden
Vegetables, Fruits, & Herbs Resource Center
Garden Maintenance 101
Keeping a well maintained and healthy garden takes both time and effort. Equipment is necessary along with other resources. A well kept garden comes with practice. Use these organizational and informational tips to maintain your garden in the best way possible.

1. Keep Equipment Organized
If you are going to garden the right way, having the correct equipment is important. Hoes, spades, rakes, pruners, a wheelbarrow, gloves, watering cans, and shovels are only a few of the tools you should have on hand at all times. Organize your tools in a way where they are safely stored, yet easy to grab during times of need. Always clean your tools after using for optimal performance and safer storage. Keeping organized and well-kept garden tools is key to gardening quickly and efficiently.

2. Control Garden Weeds
It seems nearly impossible to grow a weedless garden. It is important to remove weeds as soon as they emerge though, not only to keep your garden looking nice, but to also provide optimal growing conditions for your plants. It is best to remove weeds by hand, but if it is too much to handle, consider a natural weed treatment. There are many home remedies out there for killing weeds in an environmentally friendly way. Applying a layer of mulch is a great way to tone down weed growth. Layering dried grass clippings around plants is an affordable and organic way to prevent weed growth and plant roots.

3. Water Correctly
Watering depends on the weather and the type of plant. In general, it is best to water your plants in the early morning to allow foliage to dry throughout the day. Check your plants on a weekly basis to determine their watering needs. The depth of watering will depend on the plant roots. The deeper the roots, the deeper the soaking. Be sure to keep track of the plant locations to water accordingly. Remember to always water after planting and to avoid getting water on plant foliage to prevent fungus and disease from forming.

4. Fertilize

Plant foods help improve the health and appearance of your plants. It is important to always follow specific packaging directions and to use a specially formulated fertilizer for each plant. Many lawn and garden stores will carry all purpose fertilizers, but sometimes a specific tomato, citrus, or bloom food is better. Do your research!

5. Improve Garden Soil
There are many amendments out there that will help provide vital nutrients to your plant for overall growth improvement. Compost, Peat Humus, Organic Garden Soil, and Perlite are just a few. Consider purchasing a professional mix to add to your native soil. You can also start your own compost, which adds nutrients to your soil as well.

6. Keep an Eye on Pests
Maintaining a sanitary garden is vital. Plants can be completely destroyed by insects and animals. If pests become a problem, there are a variety of natural solutions. Construct a fence or gate around your garden to keep the larger animals out. Bugs can be prevented by wrapping plants, spraying with a home remedy treatment, and by maintaining mulch correctly. Also be sure to remove dying foliage as it emerges in order to prevent the spread of disease.