Infinity Lawn & Garden
Vegetables, Fruits, & Herbs Resource Center
General Soil Preparation

Fall is the ideal time to prepare soil for planting, but there are also some things that should be done during the spring is well. Follow this simple list of general soil preparation methods to ensure healthy and beautiful plant growth.

  1. Choose an area with good amounts of sunlight, wind protection and well-drained soil. 
  2. Remove any sticks, leaves or debris from planting area. 
  3. Using a tiller or shovel, dig up the ground approximately 6 to 8 inches. You want to make sure the roots grow in good, rich soil. 
  4. It is important you mix an enriched garden soil into the native soil. Unlike topsoil, Schultz Enriched Garden Soil is made of premium organic ingredients such as composted forest products and sphagnum peat moss. It also contains extended feed plant food that feeds plants for up to 6 months. Schultz Enriched Garden Soil loosens clay soils and helps sandy soils hold water and nutrients. 
  5. It's now time for planting. Don’t forget to add a garden fertilizer at the time of planting and repeat throughout the growing season for maximum growth.